Ensuring quick resource supply
The Problem
RPA is still a niche skill in the market and resources are not easily available. The customer had tried various sources to hire the technical professionals, but they were not able to leverage or scale up the team for project execution.
The Solution
When the client approached us with the required opportunity, we took this opportunity as a challenge and internally conducted an exercise of understanding the technology and then deployed an exclusive team to support the fulfilment plan by opening all the mediums of hiring talent from the market.
The Outcome
Technotrust Solution Pvt. Ltd. backed the client with the best of its potential and deployed the required manpower in a short span of time for executing the project smoothly without any roadblocks.
We helped the client by deputing RPA Technical resources in their ODC and Onsite locations in a very short period. This helped the client to retain its credibility and ensure smooth project delivery for its end customer.